Articles on: Payment

Setting up Cash App

Video Guide:

What is Cash App?

Cash App is a personal payment processing service that allows you to easily transfer funds between friends or businesses in the US or UK with no chargebacks. SellSN allows you to leverage Cash App to make automatic payments on SellSN with ease.

Setting up Cash App

Configuring and enabling Cash App is super simple and quick to do, follow the below steps to quickly get Cash App enabled on your store.

🚧 Cash App with SellSN is only available with US Cash App accounts and stores with the US dollar ($) set as their preferred currency.

Get your SellSN email address
You need an email address issued and controlled by SellSN in-order to receive notifications from Cash App about payments. Let's go over to SellSN and start the setup process so we can get going.

Firstly, head over to your "Account" page and then find the "Cash App" option and click "Connect".

You should see a new dialog appear, in this dialog enter your Cash Tag in the input labelled as such and then click "Next".

You'll now be given your SellSN-issued email address, copy it down as you'll need it for the next step and do not continue to the next step until you're told to in a later step Now, we'll need to add the email to your Cash App account and verify it.

Add the SellSN email to your Cash App account
Head on over to your mobile device and open the Cash App mobile app and then tap on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen to access your account settings.

Then tap on the "Personal" section to modify your account details.

Finally, you need to tap on the "Add Phone or Email" option and then "Add Email Address" option, you'll be brought to a new page asking for the new email address to add.

Enter the email address you got from SellSN when you were configuring your Cash App settings previously, its should end in, then tap "Next" and you'll be prompted for a verification code. Head back over to the SellSN dashboard and click on the "Next" button on the Cash App setup dialog to get the verification code from Cash App, enter the code once prompted into the Cash App mobile app.

💡 If you get an error stating there is no verification code detected yet, wait another minute for it to arrive or ensure you entered the email correctly into the Cash App mobile app.

Once you've entered the code into the app and tapped "Next", the email will be added to your account and the setup process is complete, head back over to SellSN and click "Next" to finalize the process and enable Cash App.

Updated on: 07/06/2024

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