How can I create variants or group my products?
Video Guide:
What is a variant or product group?
Variants and product groups are practically the same thing in principle. SellSN has a system that accommodates for different styles, variants or grouping of products in a section on the SellSN dashboard called "Groups".
With this system, you can group multiple products into one product, and customers will be prompted to select a variant or style when they click on the group. Product groups are given a badge on your seller page labelled "Group", they display like any other product.

When a customer clicks on a product group, they are presented with this selection dialog.

How can I set one up?
It's simple, no really. Just follow these simple steps to create your own product group.
Create the group
Firstly, navigate over to the "Groups" section on the SellSN dashboard, and then click the "Create" button to begin creating a new product group.

Next, in the new dialog, enter the name of the group. In this case, the name of the group is what will be displayed on the seller page in place of where the product name usually would be.

The new group should be displayed on the page, as seen below.

Adding some products
You can add some products to the group really easily, just find the group you want to add the products to and click the "Add" button, you'll be prompted to select a product to add and when you're ready, click the "Add" button.

Updated on: 14/09/2024
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