Articles on: Optional seller features

Get listed on the marketplace


So you're here because you want to take your business to the next level by gaining the ability to list any of your products on the SellSN marketplace, that's awesome and we're always excited to partner with new businesses.


Before we begin, there are a few requirements you must meet in-order to apply:

Your products, store and profile must not violate the SellSN Terms of Service;
You must be compliant with any local or state laws, and your product must follow relevant data protection laws such as GDPR;
You must already be verified with SellSN. If you are not already verified, you can get verified here;
You must currently be subscribed to at least the Pro plan on SellSN;


Any violations of these agreements will result in the termination of your partner access or your account depending on the severity of the violation.

Secondly, you also must acknowledge the following terms that are different from the traditional SellSN terms that every seller agrees to:

You may be subject to additional platform fees taken by SellSN that apply to any product purchased from the SellSN marketplace, these additional fees are at the discretion of SellSN and will be no more than 10%;
You will be subject to additional auditing by the SellSN team, this may include staff members looking into your business practices very often to ensure you are complying with these agreements and the SellSN Terms of Service

What you get

By becoming a SellSN partner, you can get access to the following benefits:

Access to list your products on the SellSN marketplace;
'Audited' badge on your store page to make your store even more trustworthy

Sounds good, how do I continue?

To commence product listing on our marketplace, adhere to these straightforward steps:

Open a support request
Navigate to the dashboard and click on the "Support" tab on the left-hand navigation bar to open a support request

Let us know you want marketplace access
Tell us in the newly opened support request, tell us you want marketplace access for your store, and be sure to tell us what the URL of your store is. We may ask you for additional information such as vouches, previous stores, sales data, etc.

Updated on: 27/02/2024

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